Confederación Autismo España

Support materials for people with ASD and their family members.

We developed thesupport materials for individuals with ASD and their relatives, and also for bodies and professionals connected with autism, to provide a basis for preparing the individual with ASD for their passage through the airport.

Los aeropuertos pueden convertirse en espacios complicados para las personas con TEA (trastorno del espectro autista); tienen que procesar y manejar una gran cantidad de información y estimulación sensorial, simultáneamente, además de enfrentarse a situaciones desconocidas y de gran complejidad. Todo eso puede hacer que a muchas personas con TEA les resulte incluso imposible viajar en avión. Con este material y una formación específica a su personal, Aena, en colaboración con la Confederación Autismo, pretenden facilitar este viaje, y se alinean con otras campañas que se están desarrollando en diferentes aeropuertos de todo el mundo.

Airports can become complicated spaces for individuals with ASD (autism spectrum disorder); they have to process and handle a great deal of information and sensory stimulation, simultaneously, as well as being faced with unfamiliar situations and a great deal of complexity. All of that can make it even impossible for many people with ASD to travel by plane. With this materials and a specific training to their staff, Aena, in collaboration with Confederación Autismo, aim to make this journey easier, and it aligns with other campaigns that are being developed in different airports thoughout the world.