Igual tu también eres ATZEGIZALE
(Maybe you are also an Atzegizale)by HORREGATIK KOMUNIKAZIOA
A campaign directed and produced by Bicoté for Atzegi.
Additional animation by Sergi Padró.
Atzegiren 2021ko sentsibilizazio kanpainak Atzegizalearen figura balioan jartzea du helburu. Badira 10 urte Atzegik atzegizale figura sortu zuela, adimen desgaitasuna duten pertsonekiko jarrera positiboa duten pertsonak identifikatzeko. Atzegizaleak nonahi daude eta adin eta itxura ezberdinak dituzte; adimen desgaitasuna duten pertsonak diren bezala onartzen dituzte, ez dituzte epaitzen, eurengan sinesten dute eta gizartean parte hartzeko aukerak ematen dizkiete.ENG
Atzegi created the figure of Atzegizale in the year 2000 to identify people who show a positive attitude towards people with intellectual disabilities. Atzegizales people are everywhere and of all ages; They are the people who accept people with intellectual disabilities as they are, do not judge them, believe in them and offer them opportunities to participate in society. This campaign invites anyone who feels identified with the figure of Atzegizale, to be part of this family that is growing day by day.